Love In A Basket is a heartwarming story that follows a little Yorkie puppy from the very beginning of his life until he reaches full family member status. Sometimes the path is scary. Sometimes his path is challenging. But he always has hope everything will turn out okay.
Love In A Basket is a heartwarming story that follows a little Yorkie puppy from the very beginning of his life until he reaches full family member st...
Over 30 years with Multiple Sclerosis is not a journey I ever imagined I would take. But the struggle has taught me much about myself. It would have been so easy to adopt the attitude of, "why me?" and plunge into the depths of despair. But that would be the same as giving up on myself. And I still had much to do and much more to learn about the disease and myself. There were many challenges along the way. I had to find the strength within myself to keep active and to stay positive. I rely on friends and my caregiver, my husband, who is also my best friend and supporter. I am very blessed.
Over 30 years with Multiple Sclerosis is not a journey I ever imagined I would take. But the struggle has taught me much about myself. It would have b...