Within the West African cultural spirituality of the Yoruba, Ela is known as the Spirit of Light and Manifestation meaning all things came into existence here on Ikole Aye (Earth) by way of Ela. Ela can also be summarized as the Holy Spirit of Ifa and interchangeably used as another name for Orunmila Elerin Ipin Ibikeji Olodumare (Orunmila, Withness of Creation, Second to the Creator). It is by way of Ela that Ifa became acceptable throughout the world and Orunmila accepted by followers, including followers in secret. In "Ela, The Ifa Concept of Altered States," Awo Falokun opens the dialogue...
Within the West African cultural spirituality of the Yoruba, Ela is known as the Spirit of Light and Manifestation meaning all things came into existe...
Dafa, the act of performing the divination system of the Yoruba of Nigeria is the fundamental way in which the Babalawo or Iyanifa commune with the wisdom of the Orisa Orunmila, also sometimes called Ifa. It is through rigorous study, guidance, and practical application over a period of time that an initiate can learn the necessary ebo (sacrifice) and oogun (medicine) that are within each of the verses or ese of Ifa. Although verses of Ia are learned via the teacher student relationship through oral transmission in Nigeria, Awo Falokun in his book Dafa uses his experience and understanding of...
Dafa, the act of performing the divination system of the Yoruba of Nigeria is the fundamental way in which the Babalawo or Iyanifa commune with the wi...
Es con gran entusiasmo que damos la bienvenida a esta segunda edicion de lo que se ha convertido en un clasico en la literatura yoruba. En este libro de vanguardia, BabalawoFalokunFatunmbi continua el trabajo de escritores yoruba tales como el Dr. Wande Abimbola y otros, para revelar los profundos principios cosmologicos y teologicos del pueblo yoruba. Esta exposicion de la teologia del pueblo yoruba desafia los perjudiciales supuestos prevalecientes respecto de la profundidad, belleza y relevancia del pensamiento teologico africano. Con el titulo de "Iwa Pele," este libro se concentra en la...
Es con gran entusiasmo que damos la bienvenida a esta segunda edicion de lo que se ha convertido en un clasico en la literatura yoruba. En este libro ...
The Oral tradition has been maintained since time immemorial. In this age of science and technology, they are now being preserved for posterity. Iba Se is an invaluable resource for Proverbs and Folktales in the Ifa Orisa Tradition. It delves further into their spiritual meaning and its significance in the wider world. It is a great starting point for a beginner in the tradition sharing the dynamics for spiritual growth, concept of self and the Ori, divination principles and the overall Ifa world view. Awo Falokun begins to unravel the sacred history and the concept relating to the Immortals...
The Oral tradition has been maintained since time immemorial. In this age of science and technology, they are now being preserved for posterity. Iba S...