From 1959 to 1964, a chilling new anthology series held audiences captive with tales of horror, delight, and mystery. Rod Serling changed the face of television with The Twilight Zone, a groundbreaking series that enticed viewers to tap into the wonders of a "dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind." When they accepted that cryptic invitation, viewers found themselves in The Twilight Zone. Now, one of those minds transported to strange new worlds extends his invitation to you as well. Join author Kenneth Reynolds on a detailed journey through each of the 156 episodes of...
From 1959 to 1964, a chilling new anthology series held audiences captive with tales of horror, delight, and mystery. Rod Serling changed the face of ...
From 1959 to 1964, a chilling new anthology series held audiences captive with tales of horror, delight, and mystery. Rod Serling changed the face of television with The Twilight Zone, a groundbreaking series that enticed viewers to tap into the wonders of a "dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind." When they accepted that cryptic invitation, viewers found themselves in The Twilight Zone. Now, one of those minds transported to strange new worlds extends his invitation to you as well. Join author Kenneth Reynolds on a detailed journey through each of the 156 episodes of...
From 1959 to 1964, a chilling new anthology series held audiences captive with tales of horror, delight, and mystery. Rod Serling changed the face of ...