The libretti to "Yona," "Sarai" and "Ruwth," the trilogy of chamber operas with music by Robert W. Griffin, tell the stories of the well-known biblical figures of Jonah, Sarah and Ruth in a new light This kind of re-imagining of the ancient tales is most alive in the Jewish Midrash tradition. The ambivalence of justice, its vertical and horizontal dimension so to speak, is the main theme of "Yona" and "Sarai." In "Ruwth" the struggle for justice is taken from heavenly spheres down to earth. The community of Bethlehem has to decide how to receive the impoverished widow Na'omi and her Moabite...
The libretti to "Yona," "Sarai" and "Ruwth," the trilogy of chamber operas with music by Robert W. Griffin, tell the stories of the well-known biblica...
"What I Love" is a companion book of poetry to the two-volumes of "Ailinn's Adventures in Green Forest" written by Robert W. Griffin and illustrated by Elizabeth Auer, which include "The Song the Green Forest Sang" and "What is Never Lost."
"What I Love" is a companion book of poetry to the two-volumes of "Ailinn's Adventures in Green Forest" written by Robert W. Griffin and illustrated b...