"The Environmentalists' Paradise" is much more than just a "Funny Book," even though it does have a Fair Amount of Humor in it, just to keep the Attention of the Readers, if that is Possible. After all, most Americans have an Attention Span of less than one Minute, and certainly have no Intentions of "Wasting" 10$ on a "Silly Book," which Capitalizes 50% or more of the Words, which is Proof that the Author must not know HOW to RIIT Properly. However, we can Assure you that our Selected King, is a GENIUS of Sorts, who knows how to Spook Away his Worst Enemies, who might Try to Kill him for...
"The Environmentalists' Paradise" is much more than just a "Funny Book," even though it does have a Fair Amount of Humor in it, just to keep the Atten...
The Book of Ecclesiastes has been Misunderstood for thousands of Years, and the Song of Solomon is even more Misunderstood: because of not being Perfectly Clear, and because of Missing much Information; but, this New MAGNIFIED Version is very easy to Understand, and makes "Perfect Sense" to anyone with a High School Education, we would say; but, not even College Graduates can twist it around to be saying whatever they Imagine it to be saying, if they have Polluted their Minds with other Confused Versions, which are about as Clear as Muddy Water. This is truly one of the Best Books in the...
The Book of Ecclesiastes has been Misunderstood for thousands of Years, and the Song of Solomon is even more Misunderstood: because of not being Perfe...
"The Seven Basic Spiritual Building Blocks of LIFE" are quite commonly known among most People in the World; but, if your Faith is Built on a False Religious and/or Political Foundation, such a House of Lies may not Stand, and especially if you are Confronted with "The Swanky Sword of Divine Truths," which is very Sharp and Powerful, and well able to Cut Off the Head of Lies with one Swift Stroke Yes, such is the Sword that is Wielded by our Selected KING, who Demonstrates the Use of his Sword of Truths within this very Controversial Book about Faith, Hope, Trust, Love, Patience, Persistence...
"The Seven Basic Spiritual Building Blocks of LIFE" are quite commonly known among most People in the World; but, if your Faith is Built on a False Re...