To the devil a daughter Parenthood can come as a shock to some. It's especially shocking if you are Satan, the Prince of Hell, and are trying to live a quiet life of semi-retirement in suburban England under the name of Jeremy Clovenhoof. Clovenhoof quickly finds that being a single parent involves more than lullabies and nappies and has to contend with social disapproval, paternity tests and, possibly, the end of the world. The fifth novel in the Clovenhoof series, Beelzebelle is an anarchic adventure, featuring a psychotic monkey au pair, runaway coffins, badly stuffed animals, strip...
To the devil a daughter Parenthood can come as a shock to some. It's especially shocking if you are Satan, the Prince of Hell, and are trying to live...
Halloween 2016. It is eight days until the American people vote for the 45th President of the United States and millions are struck with horror at the prospect of Donald J Trump - businessman, reality TV star and professional wrestler - getting his hands on the oval office. However, few of those people know that Nostradamus had foreseen both Trump's presidency and the British exit from the EU spelling the end of the world as we know it. Jeremy Clovenhoof and Michael Michaels - the earthly incarnations of Satan and the Archangel Michael - have read the prophecies and must do their utmost to...
Halloween 2016. It is eight days until the American people vote for the 45th President of the United States and millions are struck with horror at the...