Princess Zahara and Prince Steven must take an unexpected journey to the Kingdom of soul when their land is invaded and industrialized. With danger in pursuit, the royal children cross into the wilderness of Muzena carrying word of a new world order that is sweeping the planet. Leading his attack on the people's sacred tradition High-Hop, on his march to the Kingdom of Soul, Tmus has no problem destroying any city who resist in the name of their independence, instead of converting to his powerful teachings. Before Tmus can claim the prized Kingdom of Soul he must capture the royal children...
Princess Zahara and Prince Steven must take an unexpected journey to the Kingdom of soul when their land is invaded and industrialized. With danger in...
When times get hard in the Short house hold, De'Quan takes it upon himself to save his family from the harsh reality of living in Brooklyn, New York. Dre, De'Quan, and Fat Pee start out small with one of Pops guns he left behind, robbing bodega's and they slowly move into a comfortable state where robbing drug dealers in the crack infested 90's felt like a better come-up. It was all good until the money they saved is stolen from their hiding spot. Putting the small crew of bandits in a tight spot. Decisions have to be made about life and new ways to make it out of the projects, but being...
When times get hard in the Short house hold, De'Quan takes it upon himself to save his family from the harsh reality of living in Brooklyn, New York. ...