After a tragic accident, Cindy Wenger's life took a turn in a completely new direction. In this book, she shares her story of shattered dreams coupled with the miraculous power of God. She takes the reader on a journey to help discover tools for living a lifestyle of expectancy when it comes to the blessings and favor of God. These tools can help plow through the many setbacks and disappointments until a breakthrough is visible. Included in these pages are many faith-filled stories that are meant to encourage and challenge the reader to never give up, no matter what the odds. What promises...
After a tragic accident, Cindy Wenger's life took a turn in a completely new direction. In this book, she shares her story of shattered dreams coup...
After a tragic accident, Cindy Wenger's life took a turn in a completely new direction. In this book, she shares her story of shattered dreams coupled with the miraculous power of God. She takes the reader on a journey to help discover tools for living a lifestyle of expectancy when it comes to the blessings and favor of God. These tools can help plow through the many setbacks and disappointments until a breakthrough is visible. Included in these pages are many faith-filled stories that are meant to encourage and challenge the reader to never give up, no matter what the odds. What promises...
After a tragic accident, Cindy Wenger's life took a turn in a completely new direction. In this book, she shares her story of shattered dreams coup...