This book was originally written with the intent of keeping a record of all that God has done in my life. When I was 30 years old, I began to seek after God for healing, with all of my heart. As I dug deep in the word and studied, I became amazed at what truths I discovered. Everything I learned I would share with my children. I was so excited about God and His power and truth that learning was contagious in my home. I would learn something new and I shared it that same day, a continuous stream of learning and sharing. Thirteen years later, it is still the same. I am still learning, and I am...
This book was originally written with the intent of keeping a record of all that God has done in my life. When I was 30 years old, I began to seek aft...
Almost all successful ventures and projects are the product of a process To know the steps to take in order to achieve good success is vitally important to anyone wishing to eventually say with a sense of satisfaction: 'Mission Accomplished' The contents of this book have been designed by its authors to assist any pastor, leader, project manager, or parent with the major steps that should be taken from start to finish to complete any task that requires more than one person on a team to make the vision a reality. Although the enclosed chapters have been written with 'a general eye' toward...
Almost all successful ventures and projects are the product of a process To know the steps to take in order to achieve good success is vitally import...