In a world devastated by an apocalyptic event, the bonds of friendship are tested in the haze of unrelenting depression, and paranoia. Will you know who your friends are? Joel and his friends are on the verge of graduation and excited and optimistic about their futures. But when they return from a camping trip in the remote woodlands to find themselves faced with a post-apocalyptic world, their daily lives acquire burdens and terrors hitherto unexperienced. The Judas Syndrome is an unforgettable portrait of survival against the odds. Joel, the protagonist, is an average teen whose dreams of...
In a world devastated by an apocalyptic event, the bonds of friendship are tested in the haze of unrelenting depression, and paranoia. Will you know w...
The dystopian landscape of The Judas Syndrome finds hope in the second generation born into the aftermath of an Apocalyptic event. Born into the violent chaos of post-apocalyptic North America, eighteen-year-old Leif has been told his entire life that he has a crucial role to play in humanity's future. To achieve that end, he must elevate himself above all normal human sentiment, as attachment and fear are obstacles to his greater purpose. Despite rigorous guidance from his guardian angel, Leif finds love when a beautiful young wanderer enters his life. And when a dangerous enemy from his...
The dystopian landscape of The Judas Syndrome finds hope in the second generation born into the aftermath of an Apocalyptic event. Born into the viole...