This series of three volumes provides a groundbreaking study of the work of many of the most innovative and important British theatre companies from 1965 to the present. Each volume provides a survey of the political and cultural context, an extensive survey of the variety of theatre companies from the period, and detailed case studies of six of the major companies.
Volume Two, 1980+"1994, covers the period when cuts under Margaret Thatcher's Tory government changed the landscape for British theatre. Yet it also saw an expansion of companies that made feminism and gender central to...
This series of three volumes provides a groundbreaking study of the work of many of the most innovative and important British theatre companies from 1...
This series of three volumes provides a groundbreaking study of the work of many of the most innovative and important British theatre companies from 1965 to 2014. Each volume provides a survey of the political and cultural context, an extensive survey of the variety of theatre companies from the period, and detailed case studies of six of the most important companies. Volume Three, 1995-2014, charts the expansion of the sector in the era of Lottery funding and traces the resistant influences of earlier movements in the emergence of new companies and an independent theatre ecology that...
This series of three volumes provides a groundbreaking study of the work of many of the most innovative and important British theatre companies fro...
This series of three volumes provides a groundbreaking study of the work of many of the most innovative and important British theatre companies from 1965 to the present. Each volume provides a survey of the political and cultural context; an extensive survey of the variety of theatre companies from the period, and detailed case studies of six of the major companies drawing on the Arts Council Archives to trace the impact of funding on the work produced.
1965-1979, covers the period often accepted as the 'golden age' of British Fringe companies, looking at the birth of...
This series of three volumes provides a groundbreaking study of the work of many of the most innovative and important British theatre companies fro...
This series of three volumes provides a groundbreaking study of the work of many of the most innovative and important British theatre companies from 1965 to the present. Each volume provides a survey of the political and cultural context; an extensive survey of the variety of theatre companies from the period, and detailed case studies of six of the major companies drawing on the Arts Council Archives to trace the impact of funding on the work produced.
1965-1979, covers the period often accepted as the 'golden age' of British Fringe companies, looking at the birth of...
This series of three volumes provides a groundbreaking study of the work of many of the most innovative and important British theatre companies fro...