In this important and original book, Johann Michel paves the way for a greater understanding of Paul Ricoeur's philosophy by exploring it in relation to some major figures of contemporary French thought--Bourdieu, Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault and Castoriadis. Although the fertile dialogue between Ricoeur and various structuralist thinkers is well documented, his position in relation to the post-structuralist movement is less-widely understood. Does Ricoeur's philosophy stand in opposition to post-structuralism in France or, on the contrary, is it in fact a unique variation of that movement?...
In this important and original book, Johann Michel paves the way for a greater understanding of Paul Ricoeur's philosophy by exploring it in relation ...
In this important and original book, Johann Michel paves the way for a greater understanding of Paul Ricoeur's philosophy by exploring it in relation to some major figures of contemporary French thought--Bourdieu, Derrida, Deleuze, Foucault and Castoriadis. Although the fertile dialogue between Ricoeur and various structuralist thinkers is well documented, his position in relation to the post-structuralist movement is less-widely understood. Does Ricoeur's philosophy stand in opposition to post-structuralism in France or, on the contrary, is it in fact a unique variation of that movement?...
In this important and original book, Johann Michel paves the way for a greater understanding of Paul Ricoeur's philosophy by exploring it in relation ...
Quand le social vient au sens ouvre un dialogue novateur entre philosophie et sciences sociales et historiques, a la croisee de la tradition socio-phenomenologique heritee de l uvre pionniere de Schutz et de la tradition hermeneutique de Dilthey a Ric ur. Un meme fil conducteur parcourt la trame du livre: seule la - voie longue - de l hermeneutique, en reconnaissant la doublure de l acte d interpreter (a la fois comme pratique ordinaire au plan anthropologique et comme activite scientifique au plan epistemologique), peut se coordonner avec les requisits d une sociologie...
Quand le social vient au sens ouvre un dialogue novateur entre philosophie et sciences sociales et historiques, a la croisee de la tradition so...