Charlee Cardon Wilson Sharon Elwell Sam Christensen
FAMILY FROLICS, RELIEF SOCIETY RENDITIONS & SHARING TIME SKITS This collection of 13 skits, sketches, playlets and monologues is specifically designed for use as inservice lessons, Primary Sharing Time, Family Home Evenings, Priesthood, Relief Society or Sunday School lessons, Firesides, Young Mens and Womens classes and meeting nights, and other Ward and Stake presentations. These short plays (not longer than 20 minutes) are designed primarily to teach, in an interesting way, a single or group of related Gospel principles. Drama makes all things easily understandable and able to be grasped...
FAMILY FROLICS, RELIEF SOCIETY RENDITIONS & SHARING TIME SKITS This collection of 13 skits, sketches, playlets and monologues is specifically designed...