REVELATION TO ME WAS REAL SIMPLE; Revelation not guilty on my civil rights case, I was charge and booked for walking in the "police" streets on my way to church Remember this you never fail you learn a lesson ...... I wanted the deepest thought to bring me a revelation so amazing that I would jump for joy. Instead I got a real simple answer surrender yourself to me so I can have access in the earth that simple, but this meant suppressing every trial and temptation sent my way. It didn't happen as fast as it looked it came with remembering what happened in my past from when I was born until...
REVELATION TO ME WAS REAL SIMPLE; Revelation not guilty on my civil rights case, I was charge and booked for walking in the "police" streets on my way...
Hi my name is Serena Washington President of 2 Covenant Mogul publishing, I have an amazing deal a system to help you transform your life. I put this system in place to help you execute on our Kingdom economy. We are helping people create a recurring income to help with any financial problems. We will discuss your problem and come up with a solution to help you design and target your success strategies. I'm giving away one intensive session, It's very simple I help you look at where you are today and design a strategy with a step by step action plan and Supernaturally Coach you through the...
Hi my name is Serena Washington President of 2 Covenant Mogul publishing, I have an amazing deal a system to help you transform your life. I put this ...