Tales of Wonder, is the tenth book and sixth original short story collection of Irish fantasy writer Lord Dunsany, considered a major influence on the work of J. R. R. Tolkien, H. P. Lovecraft, Ursula K. Le Guin and others. The book collects 19 Short Stories by the Author:
"A Tale of London"
"Thirteen at Table"
"The City on Mallington Moor"
"Why the Milkman Shudders When He Perceives the Dawn"
"The Bad Old Woman in Black"
"The Bird of the Difficult Eye"
"The Long Porter's Tale"
"The Loot of Loma"
"The Secret of the Sea"
"How Ali Came to the Black...
Tales of Wonder, is the tenth book and sixth original short story collection of Irish fantasy writer Lord Dunsany, considered a major influence on the...