BOOKS BY LUKAS/S K/JID THE KID The journey continues with the "Roaring" 20s and then Depression. Previews of upcoming attractions: 4. Great Depression through World War II (1929-1945) 5. Post-World War II through the 1950's (1945-1960) 6. The 1960's 7. The 1970's and 1980's 8. The 1990'and the 21st Century THE FUN WILL CONTINUE SO HANG ON And check our blog "" Copyright c 2013 Ken Hanna. All rights reserved.
BOOKS BY LUKAS/S K/JID THE KID The journey continues with the "Roaring" 20s and then Depression. Previews of upcoming attractions: 4. Great Depression...
BOOKS BY LUKAS/S.K./JID THE KID The sensational 60's is my favorite decade in American history. Anything you can imagine happened then: another war (what's new?), demonstrations all over the country for numerous reasons, major changes in entertainment--especially in music and space travel and so much more We are closing in on our somewhat recent past: #7--The 1970's and the 1980's #8--The 1990's and the 21st Century ?HOLY GOTHAM CITY, BATMAN WHAT ELSE CAN POSSIBLY HAPPEN Our blog may tell--? Copyright c 2014
BOOKS BY LUKAS/S.K./JID THE KID The sensational 60's is my favorite decade in American history. Anything you can imagine happened then: another war (w...
Well, Guys, we've reached the "Present." Do you think Richard and Ellie are HAPPY CAMPERS? We traveled through 7 generations and the last 146 years of America's history. The Myers family, along with you, experienced all the ups and downs that are America. And the family grew and changed just like your family has changed and will change over time.
The plan is to have Luke and Sarah continue the journey in their lifetime to bring "Trip #9" to life I hope you will all be here. I also hope your attitude about History has gotten more...
Well, Guys, we've reached the "Present." Do you think Richard and Ellie are HAPPY CAMPERS? We traveled ...