In this spare, lyrically written story, we join a child on a journey of self-discovery. Finding a way to grow from the inside out, just like a tree, the child develops as an individual comfortable in the natural world and in relationships with others. The child begins -Within/ The deep dark earth, - like a seed, ready to grow and then dream and reach out to the world. Soon the child discovers birds and the sky and other children: -Trees and trees/ Just like me - Each is different too. The child embraces them all because -All trees have roots/ All trees belong.- Maya Christina Gonzalez once...
In this spare, lyrically written story, we join a child on a journey of self-discovery. Finding a way to grow from the inside out, just like a tree...
In the magical rainforest of the Iguazu National Park, butterflies are the multicolored flowers of the air. Great dusky swifts watch over the park, and the untamed spirits of jaguars roam the jungle. Spanning three countries--Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay--the thundering waterfalls and lush green rainforests of the Iguazu have dazzled visitors for centuries, and are now in danger of being lost.
Following the Amerindian oral tradition, award-winning Chicano poet Francisco X. Alarcon lets the animals of the Iguazu speak for themselves in their own soaring, roaring, fluttering...
In the magical rainforest of the Iguazu National Park, butterflies are the multicolored flowers of the air. Great dusky swifts watch over the park,...