This enchanting tale relates the story of Daisy, a young cow, raised by a little girl named Hannah who, after a misadventure with a honeybee and a kiss on the nose, begins to produce ICE CREAM instead of milk So productive is Daisy, producing tubs full of creamy flavor combinations, that the family soon becomes overwhelmed and must come up with a solution for her luscious output. The book ends with a challenge for it's young readers to create a unique ice cream flavor from their own imagination email it to Hannah and receive a thank you note from Daisy herself.
This enchanting tale relates the story of Daisy, a young cow, raised by a little girl named Hannah who, after a misadventure with a honeybee and a kis...
Benjamin M. Scribner Margaret Rose Scribner Margaret Rose Scribner
Who hasn't dreamed of escaping a humdrum existence, shredding unrelenting debts, thumbing a nose at ravenous utility behemoths, and fleeing to some remote mountain hideaway? Ben did Pull up a chair, pour a pleasing beverage, and follow his journey as he strives to exist off the grid, on ten magnificent acres atop an Idaho mountain. In that isolated setting, as he labors to convert its tiny cabin into a self-sufficient abode, he began to imagine that he was evolving into a modern-day Henry David Thoreau. His story chronicles, with humor and wisdom, his first year with his struggles, trials,...
Who hasn't dreamed of escaping a humdrum existence, shredding unrelenting debts, thumbing a nose at ravenous utility behemoths, and fleeing to some re...
An ancient, mystical, talking moose- transported from a time when the Earth was young- suddenly appears in the forest to teach vital lessons to nine-year-old Benjamin.
An ancient, mystical, talking moose- transported from a time when the Earth was young- suddenly appears in the forest to teach vital lessons to nine-y...
A divorce that cruelly unearthed lies, deceit, theft, abuse of trust and power, that severs a union with a partner who blithely alienates all loved ones, all family members: a final act of separation which, for spite and spite's sake alone, drags its opponent savagely across ten hideously pocked-marked months with idiotic wrangling; an absurd process that can, and did, empty the pockets of all but the gleeful lawyers; the outcome of which could seemingly hurl its survivor into the blackest abyss of despair or propel them, now unfettered, to the top of the highest mountain. I landed upon a...
A divorce that cruelly unearthed lies, deceit, theft, abuse of trust and power, that severs a union with a partner who blithely alienates all loved on...