Viele Probleme wie Aggregationsanfragen, Stucklistenprobleme und die Integration von Berechnungen in Anfragen konnen im Rahmen von strukturierten Tabellen wesentlich vorteilhafter als mit herkommlichen Verfahren formuliert werden."
Viele Probleme wie Aggregationsanfragen, Stucklistenprobleme und die Integration von Berechnungen in Anfragen konnen im Rahmen von strukturierten Tabe...
o++oPS (ottoProgrammingScript) is intended to simplify and generalize SQL; it uses repeating groups (hierarchies) and has several powerful but easy to use operations for selection, restructuring, computation and joining tables and documents; o++oPS can be used not only by computer experts but also by end-users, pupils, and students; the book contains a lot of examples to guarantee a quick access to the language; it contains chapters about comparisons with SQL and other languages, about the specification of tabments (TABle+docuMENT), about query optimization and about storage structures; the...
o++oPS (ottoProgrammingScript) is intended to simplify and generalize SQL; it uses repeating groups (hierarchies) and has several powerful but easy to...