Art That Heals, Inc., presents Boundless 2014, the official anthology of the 7th Annual Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival ( Boundless is an eclectic collection of poetry from around the U.S. and including contributions by poets from the U.K., Zimbabwe, and Mexico.
Art That Heals, Inc., presents Boundless 2014, the official anthology of the 7th Annual Rio Grande Valley International Poetry Festival (
Where is home? Mostly in the mind and spirit. If we visit a place where once we lived, it's the memories crowding in that take us back, not the plaster and brick. Moving is in our DNA, even if we have lived in the same place for years. The wood and glass changes because we change. In The Poetics of Space, Gaston Bachelard says that all inhabited space bears a notion of home, and that an entire past comes to dwell in a new abode. Transplant explores these themes of change and loss, and aging, and more. It seeks to carry out what Bachelard calls the function of poetry: "to give us back the...
Where is home? Mostly in the mind and spirit. If we visit a place where once we lived, it's the memories crowding in that take us back, not the plaste...