Victoria habia huido de su pueblo, anos atras traicionada por el hombre que amaba sinceramente... Diego se habia enterado de que la mujer que amo renuncio a su hijo y eso no se lo podria perdonar nunca, convirtiendo su amor en odio... Pero ahora despues de muchos anos sus caminos se volvieron a cruzar pero los dos se odiaban a muerte. O por lo menos eso pensaban. Sus corazones latian entre el amor y el odio...pero podrian ellos cruzar la linea del perdon para vivir el pasion que los ardia por dentro?
Victoria habia huido de su pueblo, anos atras traicionada por el hombre que amaba sinceramente... Diego se habia enterado de que la mujer que amo renu...
Victoria had fled his village years ago because the man that sincerely loved had betrayed her ... Diego had heard that the woman I love had waived his son and that he could not ever forgive her, turning their love into hate ... But now after many years their paths crossed again but they both hated to death. Or so they thought. Their hearts beat between love and hate ... but could they cross the line of forgiveness to experience the passion that burned inside of them?
Victoria had fled his village years ago because the man that sincerely loved had betrayed her ... Diego had heard that the woman I love had waived his...