The life story of a man who devoted his life to Christian ministry based on his recollections of lifetime experiences. The story takes the reader from the late 1940s to the 21st century. His memories include vignettes of American culture of each decade and gives a glimpse of rural American life in Iowa and the Midwest.
The life story of a man who devoted his life to Christian ministry based on his recollections of lifetime experiences. The story takes the reader from...
A History of Christianity from the Period of the Reformation to the contemporary American setting. The book is a concise and readable history written for non-academics.
A History of Christianity from the Period of the Reformation to the contemporary American setting. The book is a concise and readable history written ...
In addition to being new, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints faced persecution and ostracism during the 19th century. Traditional Christians viewed Mormons as trouble-makers, heretical in beliefs, and cultural outcasts. This monograph explores five reasons for such attitudes.
In addition to being new, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints faced persecution and ostracism during the 19th century. Traditional Christi...