For effective execution in today's complex global arena, your organization needs people from different areas and functions to interact and collaborate effectively. And this is not always easy, given that participants may be geographically separated, belong to different cultures, and speak different languages. Misunderstandings related to these factors can contribute dramatically to unbudgeted costs and, on occasion, deal a heavy blow to your bottom line. Like most managers, even if you recognize the risk that bad communication may negatively affect your finances, you may tend to opt for a...
For effective execution in today's complex global arena, your organization needs people from different areas and functions to interact and collaborate...
Four decades ago, the most progressive companies, particularly those in the manufacturing sector, embraced an aspirational notion stoically named Zero Defects. It was a broad corporate call to action in an era with no Internet, elongated supply chains, multicultural, multilingual, cross-generational work teams, or multiple time zones. It was to ensure product improvement, decrease in work-related accidents, and greater profits earned when less mistakes were made.
Today with the kaleidoscope of disruptive forces in business transactions, the speed of commerce, and the ferocious...
Four decades ago, the most progressive companies, particularly those in the manufacturing sector, embraced an aspirational notion stoically named <...