A Geometric Study of the Layout of Archaeological Sites. This groundbreaking research has shown that behind the archaeological record stands a civilization capable of viewing the earth from space. These individuals, whether born on earth or were visitors from outer space, measured the earth's axis tilt and left a record of this knowledge. The earth's polar and orbital axes angles, were enshrined in lines and structures or glyphs to show the difference between the two at many locations the world over, most of them remote from each other, but connected through their geometries
A Geometric Study of the Layout of Archaeological Sites. This groundbreaking research has shown that behind the archaeological record stands a civiliz...
In this second edition of Nasca & Easter Island- An ancient Global Plan Revealed (2014), significant advances in the original research are presented. Also, a scheme of broader implications based on geographic and cartographic data is assembled which shows many of the monuments of antiquity were designed and placed to serve as Timekeepers. "The new data shows that behind the archaeological record stands a civilization capable to accurately measure the earth's planetary motion. This ancient civilization lived on earth, perhaps as early as 44k years ago. They measured the earth's axis tilt and...
In this second edition of Nasca & Easter Island- An ancient Global Plan Revealed (2014), significant advances in the original research are presented. ...