This is the story of Davy Crotchet, a musical adventurer and instrument discoverer named after Davy Crockett, the American folk hero. The fact that Crotchet (krA-ch?t) rhymes with Crockett was the inspiration for Davy's character. Davy Crotchet spends most of his time as a quarter note, or crotchet, as he is known in England. He is born out of the attempts of a frustrated composer caller Mel Odi trying in vain to give expression to his compositions by singing or whistling. Davy is so unhappy with the way he sounds that he finally speaks up. Mel decides to send Davy to Germany to find an...
This is the story of Davy Crotchet, a musical adventurer and instrument discoverer named after Davy Crockett, the American folk hero. The fact that...