A young girl's life lies in a delicate balance between parents who shun her wanting little or nothing to do with her, a rigid and demanding grandfather who considers her more his property than a person, grooming her for his own wants, and an unknown assailant waiting in the shadows to destroy her. Her only hope is a bodyguard and a girl with short, shaggy, blonde hair, but is the girl a figment of her imagination or the ghost of her late aunt. How many times can she cheat death? The book follows the life of Sydney who barely survives a horrific kidnapping at age six. Plagued by nightmares and...
A young girl's life lies in a delicate balance between parents who shun her wanting little or nothing to do with her, a rigid and demanding grandfathe...
In the darkness of night, a haunting, reddish-orange moon slowly creeps up into the sky as a whisper of gray smoke slithers up through the rocky, dry soil covering a make shift grave, growing as it rises, slowly taking form. Long fingernails curving downward, looking more like claws than fingernails, rise up out of the grave as her midnight black hair glistens in the moonlight, her arms and hands spreading outward, pushing her upward. Her skin now pale with a grayish tint, rotting and sunken in around her neck, cheeks and eye sockets, pulls tightly against her skull, emphasizing its bony...
In the darkness of night, a haunting, reddish-orange moon slowly creeps up into the sky as a whisper of gray smoke slithers up through the rocky, dry ...
Fascinated by ghosts, shortly after moving to a small town, a man gives them a ride in his pickup after her mom gets stuck in the snow. Convinced the man is a ghost, Amy quickly heads out on a quest to learn more, only to find others prefer she leaves the past alone. Suddenly she finds herself on a dangerous collision course with someone willing to stop her by any means, narrowly escaping death. Will she be able to find out the hidden secret before she becomes his next victim?
Fascinated by ghosts, shortly after moving to a small town, a man gives them a ride in his pickup after her mom gets stuck in the snow. Convinced the ...