The "Collar Green" is a Fictional Novel that Shows The Reality of The Jealousy and Hatefullness that has happened in The Ministry, and what We Must do to Be Healed from it It was Written in 2001. But in 2014, The problem is Even More Prevalent You See, Divison in The Church is Difficult Enough. But Division among The Clergy, ( You Know The Ones who Claim that They have Been Called by God and Serve Him)....That Type of Division is a Tragedy -Envy is like a Cancer that Only Jesus Can Heal -So to All of Us, it's Really Important to know that to be able to be Blessed, and to Move on in Our...
The "Collar Green" is a Fictional Novel that Shows The Reality of The Jealousy and Hatefullness that has happened in The Ministry, and what We Must do...