About 88 per cent of groundnut area in India is sown in the kharif season and is rainfed. Water is the most vital resource in crop production especially in arid and semi arid regions. Rain water conservation is a critical factor in stabilizing and stepping up of rainfed groundnut production. A tillage practice like subsoiling and land configuration like broad bed and furrow improve infiltration of rain water and thus helps to improve moisture storage in soil profile for plants growth than the traditional method of flat bed. Besides, soil conservation practices, sulphur nutrition for oilseed...
About 88 per cent of groundnut area in India is sown in the kharif season and is rainfed. Water is the most vital resource in crop production especial...
Crop fertilization with potassium in rainfed agriculture in India is altogether missing merely on the assumption that Indian soils are rich in potassium and crops do not need external potassium supply. However, under continuous cropping in rainfed regions, most of the crops essentially deplete soil potassium reserves. Balanced fertilization is essential for maximum yields and maintenance of soil fertility. The maximum benefit due to application of N, P, K fertilizers and even secondary nutrients is not obtained in absence of adequate quantities of available micronutrients in the soil. Foliar...
Crop fertilization with potassium in rainfed agriculture in India is altogether missing merely on the assumption that Indian soils are rich in potassi...