What We See In The Stars is an adventurous story about a young boy who embarks on a car- ride journey with his parents and his dog, Fluffy. The adventure, as readers, will experience, will spark new conversations and memories as they read this book together. It's going to be something you and your children won't forget; you'll want to read it over and over again. This is a continuation of my first book I wrote, titled Wow What A Ride
What We See In The Stars is an adventurous story about a young boy who embarks on a car- ride journey with his parents and his dog, Fluffy. The advent...
Wow, What A Ride by Kathe Yuksel is a fun, imaginative, and educational story of a young girl who embarks on a car-ride journey to her Grandma's house with her parents and her dog. It is a wonderful adventure for both children and families to enjoy, and will continue to provide a new experience each time it is read. As families embark on this ride together, they will be sure to fi nd new details in the journey, as characters, sceneries, and expressions will connect everyone with their own childhood memories, imagination, and child-like spirit.
Wow, What A Ride by Kathe Yuksel is a fun, imaginative, and educational story of a young girl who embarks on a car-ride journey to her Grandma's hous...