Ten Thousand Years Under Sol is the opening anthology in the series The Soltreian Chronicles. The story details the evolution of a young Barbadian, Joshua Creed after the apocalypse only known as the Fall that Broke the Earth and Shattered the Sun. Creed Awakens to find that he is now one of the twelve Members Immortalis - a race of immortals that has lived amidst mankind for two hundred thousand years. After choosing to defend this new world, Soltreus, Creed unearths an evil so absolute that it threatens to destroy all that he holds dear. Now, not only does he fight for the life of the...
Ten Thousand Years Under Sol is the opening anthology in the series The Soltreian Chronicles. The story details the evolution of a young Barbadian, Jo...
Our Voices, Our Imagination. BlackSci-Fi.com & Pyroglyphics Studio presents The Scribes of Nyota, a compendium featuring short stories of speculative fiction from Nubian authors. These stories are presented in a myriad of forms ranging from poetry to short stories to pin-up illustrations. In Swahili, -Nyota- means star, and in the Shona language it means thirst. With so many stars in one volume seeking to quench the thirst for diversity, it is only fitting that we incorporate the word into the title of our first anthology. The goal of this project is to give a spotlight to creators and...
Our Voices, Our Imagination. BlackSci-Fi.com & Pyroglyphics Studio presents The Scribes of Nyota, a compendium featuring short stories of speculative ...