Mick & Minn Stearbs originally wrote these rhymes to amuse the children they taught. Based on children's jokes, bad puns (and some good ones) and general silliness, they have given a lot of pleasure and fun. As well providing a good laugh they illuminate the way we use (and misuse) the English language. Minn illustrated them for her own enjoyment and her delightful cartoon drawings are presented here opposite the rhymes. So read and enjoy
Mick & Minn Stearbs originally wrote these rhymes to amuse the children they taught. Based on children's jokes, bad puns (and some good ones) and gene...
Egg lovers everywhere will be egg-static about this book. It is crammed with eggs-amples of eggs-tremely silly yolks and eggs-cellent cartoon drawings, enough to eggs-cite you and make you laugh until you're eggs-hausted. We're not eggs-aggerating Have fun eggs-ploring it.
Egg lovers everywhere will be egg-static about this book. It is crammed with eggs-amples of eggs-tremely silly yolks and eggs-cellent cartoon drawings...