Stop Wasting your Time & Start Doing What Matters the Most; A Wake Up Call for True Leadership THE WORKBOOK, is designed as a support tool TO Stop Wasting your Time & Start Doing What Matters the Mostin all areas of the Human Experience. This WORKBOOK will walk you, your business and your employees through those necessary steps assisting in making the changes that lead to the desired success.
Stop Wasting your Time & Start Doing What Matters the Most; A Wake Up Call for True Leadership THE WORKBOOK, is designed as a support tool TO Stop Was...
63% of all hiring decisions are made in the first 4.3 minutes of an interview. Don't make this common mistake Keep an open mind. One miss hire can cost a business as much as $47,000 in the first 3 months of employment. The Hiring Blueprint is designed to: -Reduce turn-over costs -Increase ROI -Improve employee morale The Hiring Blueprint will help you to find the information you need about the applicant. Remember that you are looking for someone to fill a job, which has specific tasks to perform. You are making a long-term decision. These are just a few of the areas that The Hiring Blueprint...
63% of all hiring decisions are made in the first 4.3 minutes of an interview. Don't make this common mistake Keep an open mind. One miss hire can co...
Stop Wasting your Time & Start Doing What Matters the Most; A Wake Up Call for True Leadership, was written to help the reader to go beyond the traditional and become the leader who creates a climate of quality, time management, goal setting and success.
Stop Wasting your Time & Start Doing What Matters the Most; A Wake Up Call for True Leadership, was written to help the reader to go beyond the tradit...