"This book is in Romanian. It contains a selection of diplomat and writer Nicolae Mareş's interview with important statesmen, politicians, diplomats, and writers."
Această carte - Interviuri alese. Economie. Diplomaţie. Politică. Comerţ. Cultură - işi propune să facă o radiografie a diplomaţiei romaneşti la inceputul mileniul III, indeosebi a modului in care demersurile diplomatice au fost promovate de şefii externelor, prin departamentele economice şi...
This book is in Romanian. It is a novel presenting events in Jesus Christ's times.
Lipsa oricăror inscrisuri despre peregrinările lui Iisus adolescent, nepovestite nici măcar de Evanghelii, fac din descoperirea recentă a unor papirusuri... nescrise cea mai uluitoare mărturie a acestei perioade din viaţa Mantuitorului. Dar cum poate fi "citită" o Evanghelie... "nescrisă"? Căci există o cheie, poate universală ce desluşeşte nu numai acest mister, ci şi Calea...
This book is in Romanian. It is a novel presenting events in Jesus Christ's times.
"This book is in Romanian. It offers three different novels under the same covers: Stylit, The Crystal Book, and The Story of Green Tea."
"The only Wakean emulation in Romanian literature is Silviu Lupaşcu's Cartea de cristal The Crystal Book], a collection of short stories that read almost like the chapters of a novel, since the fragments fit together both through common characters, a cogent philosophy and a homogenous style. If there were any accurate description of Lupaşcu as a writer, then Lyotard's definition of the postmodern...
"This book is in Romanian. It offers three different novels under the same covers: Stylit, The Crystal Book...