As the daughter of a prominent horse breeder, Catherine Billington's early life amidst the beauty of the English countryside has been rather uneventful until the death of her most beloved brother changes everything. While her middle-class existence had previously left her with few complaints and even less intrigue - save the weekly visits from the preacher's dull son - the untimely appearance of a rather mysterious new earl begins to complicate all of her social events. Uncertain of his intentions and determined not to fall prey to his infamous charm, Catherine's plan is thwarted by fate's...
As the daughter of a prominent horse breeder, Catherine Billington's early life amidst the beauty of the English countryside has been rather uneventfu...
Still reeling after the recent, untimely death of her beloved husband Thomas, young Mrs. Catherine Cravens has embarked on an audacious new course by accepting a time-sensitive proposal from her friend, the Earl of Lanark, Lord Alexander Stevens. But timing has yet to be on their side, and a summons requesting the earl's immediate return to Clan Stevens' ancestral home in Scotland makes it clear that some things may never change. Forced to decide between following the earl -- and possibly jeopardising the plan by ignoring a previous agreement -- or remaining safely at Suttonley Hall in...
Still reeling after the recent, untimely death of her beloved husband Thomas, young Mrs. Catherine Cravens has embarked on an audacious new course by ...