This is a marriage proposal to the Bride of Christ. I am here claiming to be the Son of David, the Capstone with God's favor. And in order to be of service, we are contending for World Governor, not as one who knows some management tactics, but as one in the image of Creator God, who offers excellent good & service. In particular, a Morphological or Gross Salvation with a Christocratic New World Order (Patent Pending), as part of my following the Lord Jesus Christ, building on the foundational Cornerstone Salvation He gave to our core beings. While being a safe ecosystem against machine...
This is a marriage proposal to the Bride of Christ. I am here claiming to be the Son of David, the Capstone with God's favor. And in order to be of se...
If, as the Quran says in 33:40, Muhammad is the last prophet, has Allah stopped speaking? The fact of the matter is He is still speaking and uses His prophets as well as His sons to speak to the world. Sure, there is some light in what Muhammad taught. But we sons of Allah (Injeel Jn10:35; Jn1:12), just like Isa before us, are greater lights. Muhammad led the Ishmaelite to receive from Allah, merely a Prophet's reward as per Injeel Matthew10:41. But we lead you to receive more than a prophet's reward-a Son of Allah's reward when you do receive Him as one. Muhammad knew the sure truth of the...
If, as the Quran says in 33:40, Muhammad is the last prophet, has Allah stopped speaking? The fact of the matter is He is still speaking and uses His ...