"The Star Sign of the Wolves" will take you to the depth of Romanian innermost spirituality by means of images and ideas that draw both on the rich Romanian folklore and the artistically powerful procedures of the best Romanian contemporary poetry. Love, death, destiny, fight, and triumph rise their flames and create fireworks of thought and feeling that you have never experimented before. This compelling poetical vision will refresh your inner life and give you a direct line to the essence of life and the Universe you are a part of.
"The Star Sign of the Wolves" will take you to the depth of Romanian innermost spirituality by means of images and ideas that draw both on the rich Ro...
Miei de lumină - Agneaux de lumiere - Lambs of Light. Versuri - Poemes - Poems is a volume of poetry by Sanziana Batişte in three languages: English, French, and Romanian.
Sanziana Batişte's poems represent confessions, which gradually shape into a sublime portrayal of the human spirit, non-recurring, but at the same time universal. It is such a sensitive poetic discourse, that we marvel at its mere existence, at its ability to materialise in words (a testimony of our human essence, in this frivolous reality). The lambs of light, under slabs of...
Miei de lumină - Agneaux de lumiere - Lambs of Light. Versuri - Poemes - Poems is a volume of poetry by Sanziana Batişte
This book is in Romanian. It is a poetry volume by a very original Romanian contemporary poet.
Scriitorul şi criticul literar Ladislau Daradici, care a scris o monografie substanţială intitulată Candoare şi exil in poezia şi proza Sanzianei Batişte (eLiteratura, 2015), descrie in aceşti termeni creaţia poetei Sanziana Batişte:
S-a spus că lirica Sanzianei Batişte se inscrie in hemografia stănesciană (vezi...
Wrapped up in Shrill. Poems by Sanziana Batişte
This book is in Romanian. It is a poetry volume by a very original...