The Set of Initials have coded the prophecy of the prophet Muhammad pbuh] prophesied by the prophet Jesus the Son of Mary as]. He was prophesied in all the revealed books, - the Early Scriptures. Indeed, the prophet Muhammad pbuh] is the Messenger of Allah and the Khatam-an Nabieen. In particular, the prophet Jesus the Son of Mary as] prophesied him, mentioning his name: Ahmad. The name, "Ahmad" Arabic; Gematrical Value = 53], is a crucial factor in the identification of the prophesied Messenger of the Covenant who must be both a prophet and a messenger; and the prophet Muhammad pbuh]...
The Set of Initials have coded the prophecy of the prophet Muhammad pbuh] prophesied by the prophet Jesus the Son of Mary as]. He was prophesied in ...
The Set of Initials has coded the 7th Century in which the Qur'an was revealed to the prophet Muhammad pbuh], the true Messenger of the Covenant. Al-Qur'an is a revelation {the Proof of Authenticity} from Allah swt], {the 19 Attributes of God, Al-Mighty} the lord of the worlds. It was sent down in the Night Power, al-Lailat-ul Qadr, 27th Ramadan 13 BH. The Arc-angel, Gabriel as], sent it down unto the heart of the prophet Muhammad pbuh], the Messenger of Allah and the Khatam-an Nabieen {the 19-letter phrase: 33:40]}. Moreover, it is classified into 19 parts, - the Suhuf-an Mutahharah....
The Set of Initials has coded the 7th Century in which the Qur'an was revealed to the prophet Muhammad pbuh], the true Messenger of the Covenant. Al-...
The book, "ISLAM: the religion before Allah swt], the lord of the worlds," is a complete guide to life. It will guide you to the straight way. It points out the 14 Problems of Human Life, the problems, which you, as a human being, will face in the Life of the World and the Hereafter. Then, it presents the 3 Proofs of Islam to prove that Allah swt] has prescribed the Religion of Islam as the basis of the only solution to the Problems of Human Life. Natural proof: it is an overview of the Universe from the Big Bang to the Doomsday, - the Six Days of Creation. It is a proof of the existence,...
The book, "ISLAM: the religion before Allah swt], the lord of the worlds," is a complete guide to life. It will guide you to the straight way. It poi...
The Set of Initials, Ya Seen], has coded the Age of the Beast, - 36 years. The Antichrist is prophesied in the Holy Bible. He is understood to be the Beast (Revelation). I am prophesied as the Beast, both, in the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur'an. Sura-36-Ya Seen has coded the Age of the Beast, 36 years, when I would address the paper "THE NEWS" to the United Nations, regarding the re-establishment of the Throne of David in Zion. Moreover, the sum of whole numbers from 1 - 36 add up to 666, - The Mark of the Beast. The Initials are a coded message to the world; the Message is an explanation of...
The Set of Initials, Ya Seen], has coded the Age of the Beast, - 36 years. The Antichrist is prophesied in the Holy Bible. He is understood to be the...