This project shows why core banking is not implemented in co-operative banks in India, It consist the customer and employees perspective about the challenges of core banking in this sector and what are the difficulties associated due to not using core banking solution.For the research it considered the Amreli Jilla Madhyasth Co-operative Bank. The research is based on that banks customer and Employee as well as some other co-operative banks customer.
This project shows why core banking is not implemented in co-operative banks in India, It consist the customer and employees perspective about the cha...
Break down of cross border barriers have encouraged the need to move towards a single set of consistent and understandable financial information reporting standards. There is also need to set single global language for accounting in world. There are many countries who have adopted the International financial reporting standard and therefore matter of convergence to IFRS has gained increasing importance in India as well. Introduction to International financial reporting standard provides the basic explanations of International financial reporting standard convergence with Indian GAAP. It...
Break down of cross border barriers have encouraged the need to move towards a single set of consistent and understandable financial information repor...