The Tapkeshweri Hill Range fall in the southern direction of Bhuj city of Kachchh region is a unique location which is enriched with the occurrence of diverse floral and faunal species. Hence in the present book, the attempt was made to know the quantitative and qualitative status. the present book also highlights various threats to the biodiversity as well as it also recommended some conservation measures to retains the unique biodiversity of Tapkeshweri Hill Range.
The Tapkeshweri Hill Range fall in the southern direction of Bhuj city of Kachchh region is a unique location which is enriched with the occurrence of...
Tropical forest ecosystem are characterised by high species diversity compare to other forest types. Very vast area under forest of India falls in same category while the state entirely falls in this category. In addition, maximum area of state falls in the arid and semi-arid tracts which also represent unique sub-forest type, Tropical Desert Thorn Forest." Such forest area represents endemism and site specific distribution of plants which harbour attention of conservation scientist. On the other hand, the infrastructure and industrial development leads to the loss of such unique and...
Tropical forest ecosystem are characterised by high species diversity compare to other forest types. Very vast area under forest of India falls in sam...