Dermatoglyphics (in ancient greek 'derma-skin', 'glyphic - carving'), is the scientific study of naturally occurring patterns on the surface of hands and feet. Dr. Harold Cummins coined the term in 1926 and is regarded as the "Father of Dermatoglyphics." Epidermal ridges on fingers, palms, toes and soles begin to develop during 3rd week of intrauterine life and development is complete by 19th week of gestation. Epithelium of primary palate, finger bud and enamel (most susceptible tissue to dental caries) are ectodermal in origin, develop from same site and same time of intrauterine life....
Dermatoglyphics (in ancient greek 'derma-skin', 'glyphic - carving'), is the scientific study of naturally occurring patterns on the surface of hands ...