A collection of short fiction by Joel Allegretti, Peter Baroth, Marilu Beas, Annie Bien, Peter Byrne, Lisa J. Cihlar, James Claffey, Lydia Cortes, Daniela Elza, Shinelle L. Espaillat, Evald Flisar, Christine Hamm, Rose Hunter, Shalom Mensu Ikhena, Franklin Lafayette King, Lynn Levin, Paul Lisicky, Bobbi Lurie, Michael McGilloway, Tara L. Masih, Jen Michalski, Susan Smith Nash, Liz Tynes Netto, Debi Orton, Lisa Prince, Charles Rammelkamp, Don Riggs, John Wolfgang Roberts, Thaddeus Rutkowski, Scott Stein, and Elizabeth Thorpe.
A collection of short fiction by Joel Allegretti, Peter Baroth, Marilu Beas, Annie Bien, Peter Byrne, Lisa J. Cihlar, James Claffey, Lydia Cortes, Dan...
Slovenes, (the people who form ) a nation of two million in the heart of Europe, achieved independence for the first time in their long history with the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991. Having settled in the Alps in the sixth century AD, they succeeded in preserving their language, identity and culture largely through poetry and fiction: their greatest national hero is not a general but a romantic poet. With the arrival of independent statehood and membership of the European Union and NATO, Slovenian literature has been freed of its function as the guardian of national identity and is now...
Slovenes, (the people who form ) a nation of two million in the heart of Europe, achieved independence for the first time in their long history with t...