MS Zainiah Mohame MR Mohd Shahran Daud MS Siti Haziqah Samsul
Delightful, colorful and fun learning book for age 3-5
Parents and teachers, this delightful children's picture book is a must have and great book for early reader especially if you are looking for books for parents to read to children. This book is a compilation of five short stories for children from the Early Readers Wonder Series. The stories have been written in regard with the concepts to be learned, the psychological and social value creation for early childhood education. Children from 3 to 5 years old will be exposed to the reading material that suits their...
Delightful, colorful and fun learning book for age 3-5
Parents and teachers, this delightful children's picture book is a mu...
Mrs Zainiah Mohame MR Mohd Shahran Daud MS Siti Haziqah Samsul
Este libro es una compilacion de cinco historias de la Serie Primeros Lectores. Las historias se han escrito en relacion con los conceptos que se aprenderan, la creacion del valor psicologico y social. Los ninos de 3 a 5 anos de edad seran expuestos a un material de lectura que se adapta a sus necesidades e intereses. Este libro es unico porque presenta indirectamente los metodos pedagogicos. Las historias se basan en la vida diaria de los ninos para despertar el interes de la lectura temprana entre ellos. Se recomienda que los padres y cuidadores les lean las historias de este libro a los...
Este libro es una compilacion de cinco historias de la Serie Primeros Lectores. Las historias se han escrito en relacion con los conceptos que se apre...
Questo libro e una raccolta di cinque storie tratte da Early Readers Series. Le storie sono state scritte al fine di essere imparate, creando cosi un valore sociale e psicologico. I bambini tra i tre ed i cinque anni saranno esposti al materiale di lettura che rappresenta i loro bisogni e interessi. Questo libro e unico perche presenta indirettamente i metodi didattici. Le storie sono basate sulla vita quotidiana dei bambini al fine di divulgare l'interesse per la lettura fin da piccoli. Si raccomanda che genitori e coloro che se ne prendono cura leggano ai bambini ogni giorno le storie...
Questo libro e una raccolta di cinque storie tratte da Early Readers Series. Le storie sono state scritte al fine di essere imparate, creando cosi un ...
MS Zainiah Mohame MR Mohd Shahran Daud MS Siti Haziqah Samsul
This book is a compilation of five stories from the Early Readers Series. The stories have been written in regard with the concepts to be learned, the psychological and social value creation. Children from 3 to 5 years old will be exposed to the reading material that suits their needs and interests. This book is unique because it indirectly presents the teaching methods. The stories are based on children's daily life to spark the interest of early reading among them. It is recommended that parents and caregivers to read the stories from this book to children, everyday. By doing this, the...
This book is a compilation of five stories from the Early Readers Series. The stories have been written in regard with the concepts to be learned, the...