J. Muralidharan V. Chandirasekaran V. Ramesh Saravana Kumar
Decreasing grazing lands and low productivity of animals, coupled with irregular pattern of rainfall are the important factors affecting the profit of sheep rearing. Because of these reasons, intensive rearing and grazing with supplementation are nowadays tried by the farmers in sheep production. Chronic shortage of feed and fodder and their poor nutritive value could be tackled to some extent by way of supplementation with concentrate feed and any other feed supplements. Use of NPN substances like urea was tried to replace the costly source of proteins in ruminant diet. Urea Molasses Mineral...
Decreasing grazing lands and low productivity of animals, coupled with irregular pattern of rainfall are the important factors affecting the profit of...
The rapid growth of human population and improvement in per capita consumption continue to widen the gap between the demand and supply of meat. This gap can be bridged only by increasing meat production from different livestock species through improving their genetic makeup together with improved managerial practices. Among the food animals pigs and rabbits are considered as the litter bearing animals which can help to meet the increasing demand for meat. The success and efficiency of rabbit farming largely depends on the reproductive performance of rabbits. Hence this study was taken up to...
The rapid growth of human population and improvement in per capita consumption continue to widen the gap between the demand and supply of meat. This g...