"Back from the Dead: The Rising of an African Spirit" is a celebration of life, its different seasons, and the struggle to overcome. It is an anthology consisting of fifty poems; some poems are images of personal struggles, others visualize the celebration of love, and a few are odes to great leaders and historical reflections. The single message this book intends to transfer to the reader is that a sense of self-love and appreciation does a world of good. Throughout the book, references are made to Africa with the sole intention of encouraging people, Africans on the continent and across the...
"Back from the Dead: The Rising of an African Spirit" is a celebration of life, its different seasons, and the struggle to overcome. It is an antholog...
"Back from the Dead: The Rising of an African Spirit" is a celebration of life, its different seasons, and the struggle to overcome. It is an anthology consisting of fifty poems; some poems are images of personal struggles, others visualize the celebration of love, and a few are odes to great leaders and historical reflections. The single message this book intends to transfer to the reader is that a sense of self-love and appreciation does a world of good. Throughout the book, references are made to Africa with the sole intention of encouraging people, Africans on the continent and across the...
"Back from the Dead: The Rising of an African Spirit" is a celebration of life, its different seasons, and the struggle to overcome. It is an antholog...