This World Bank review of India's power sector assesses state-wise progress in implementing the government's reform agenda two decades after the liberalization of India's economy and a decade after the passage of the forward-looking Electricity Act of 2003 (EA). It examines the performance of the sector along the following dimensions, drawing on in-depth background papers--achievements in access, the financial and operational performance of utilities, governance, private participation, and the coverage and targeting of domestic user subsidies. Despite considerable progress in implementing the...
This World Bank review of India's power sector assesses state-wise progress in implementing the government's reform agenda two decades after the liber...
Africa needs power - to grow its economies and enhance the welfare of its people. Power for all is still a long distance away - two thirds of the population remains without electricity and enterprises rank electricity as a top constraint to doing business. This sub-optimal situation coexists while vast energy resources remain untapped. One solution to harness these resources could be to tap into the concept of anchor load. Mining industry lends itself to the concept of anchor load as it needs power in large quantity and reliable quality to run its processes. Underpinned by a comprehensive...
Africa needs power - to grow its economies and enhance the welfare of its people. Power for all is still a long distance away - two thirds of the popu...
L'Afrique a besoin d'energie-- l'electricite est indispensable pour ameliorer le bien-etre de ses habitants et developper ses economies. Mais la capacite de production du secteur de l'electricite de l'Afrique subsaharienne est la plus faible du monde. Les deux tiers de la population de la region n'ont pas acces a l'electricite. Et ceux qui y ont acces, sont les plus faibles consommateurs du monde. Les entreprises considerent l'instabilite de l'approvisionnement en electricite comme un obstacle majeur. Dans le meme temps, de vastes ressources energetiques restent inexploitees. Il faudrait...
L'Afrique a besoin d'energie-- l'electricite est indispensable pour ameliorer le bien-etre de ses habitants et developper ses economies. Mais la capac...