A collection of tales that may or may not be true but don't lose anything for the telling, carrying as they do, an air of honesty, even as the narrative style is tongue-in-cheek. Characters whose lives are portrayed range from the ordinary to the extraordinary: Chip, the monk who gets barred from the zoo; Jacob Pence from the town of Farthing; John Fat Burns who avoids being fried, or the Pontiff who wishes he could be closer to his flock. A picture is formed of a world in which everyone has their own problems, perplexities and personal demons to wrestle with, to conquer and overcome. The...
A collection of tales that may or may not be true but don't lose anything for the telling, carrying as they do, an air of honesty, even as the narrati...
A collection of poetry and prose that represents a personal odyssey but also addressing the current state of the world, as the author sees it, probing key questions that concern the survival and fate of the human race. Man cannot function solely on his own ego. Recognition of the shared human experience and a refusal to let the prejudices of the past dictate the present are what inform the author's view. Can any legacy really be so sacred as to be oblivious to the harm it may have done, on any level, even if unintentional? Issues of 'faith and fatherland', church and state figure prominently....
A collection of poetry and prose that represents a personal odyssey but also addressing the current state of the world, as the author sees it, probing...