A finger moves in the casket at Arena... The sleeper has awoken after over thirteen centuries. A psychologist struggles through realities of mind, finding lucidity in a strange utopia where he is worshipped as the creator, and feared as the destroyer. His dreams suggest the reality he left is destroyed, and the utopia created in his mind is all he has. Accepting this, he settles into the good life only to discover utopia is a hell to be risen from. Challenging the status quo, Daniel begins to realize he is not alone. Utopia operates at the will of Michael, another being who woke Daniel...
A finger moves in the casket at Arena... The sleeper has awoken after over thirteen centuries. A psychologist struggles through realities of mind, fin...
Everything you need (except sales skills and a screenplay) to put together a film proposal, business plan and procedures, feasibility, budget, estimate return on investment, and encourage investors. The sampling of statistics provided here are enough to tell you what is worth the effort, what isn't, and who your potential audiences are (age, sex, race projections to 2050). Though an invigorating production can set cultural trends, cultural and economic trends can dramatically influence a film's success in spite of statistics. If you feel strong enough about the project, then these statistics...
Everything you need (except sales skills and a screenplay) to put together a film proposal, business plan and procedures, feasibility, budget, estimat...
An algorithm is a solution to a class of problems generally contained in programming unit called a module and accessed by one or more objected oriented programs. A class on algorithms is a class on problem solving with the expectation of marketable results. This requires a textbook that actually provides problem solving tools. Solving the problems is hard enough. The tools should be the easy part. Practical Algorithms provides a complete toolbox from meeting the client to rolling out a scalable solution fitting the client's needs. The typical algorithms text focuses on pseudocode, which at...
An algorithm is a solution to a class of problems generally contained in programming unit called a module and accessed by one or more objected oriente...
G.W. Bush's first inaugural address used the right language but named the wrong actors. If evil is knowingly exploiting or harming others for one's own gain, we need to look closer to home. Terrorism is a process of desperation, a traditional way to fight an empire that cannot be defeated on the battlefield. Today the empire and its oligarchs have hijacked revolution to empower themselves through fear politics and enrich themselves through disaster capitalism. This is easy to do: make people desperate, strip them of hope, arm them and turn them on other victims. The empire is so desperate and...
G.W. Bush's first inaugural address used the right language but named the wrong actors. If evil is knowingly exploiting or harming others for one's ow...