Want to make money from your pajamas? Quit your job and travel the world with a successful internet business? Give your boss an enema with those TPO reports? Well sure you do. Everyone wants to make some money online, and making enough to be able to throw your alarm clock off of a tall building without remorse is the new American dream. But there's a problem that most don't want to face--it can take an eternity. And no one wants to quit their job and travel the world five to ten years from now. You want to do it by no later than yesterday
It Took Me Nearly 7 Years ...
It Takes Too Long
Want to make money from your pajamas? Quit your job and travel the world with a successful internet business? Give your boss a...
"Quit your job? But I thought having a job was a good thing "
Jobs feel safe. We show up, do what we're supposed to do, and a check for the same amount comes in every couple of weeks. We can feel safe, secure, and comfortable with that. We can budget for housing, transportation, and food. We might even get a few weeks of vacation each year and have enough left over to go somewhere nice. So what's the problem?
Average Isn't Satisfying, and Repetition is Drudgery
The problem is that average just isn't satisfying. We can be thankful that we're not...
Ordinary Job, Ordinary Life
"Quit your job? But I thought having a job was a good thing "
Jobs feel safe. We show up, do what we're supposed ...
"Quit your job? But I thought having a job was a good thing "
Jobs feel safe. We show up, do what we're supposed to do, and a check for the same amount comes in every couple of weeks. We can feel safe, secure, and comfortable with that. We can budget for housing, transportation, and food. We might even get a few weeks of vacation each year and have enough left over to go somewhere nice. So what's the problem?
Average Isn't Satisfying, and Repetition is Drudgery
The problem is that average just isn't satisfying. We can be thankful that we're not...
Ordinary Job, Ordinary Life
"Quit your job? But I thought having a job was a good thing "
Jobs feel safe. We show up, do what we're supposed ...
Imagine 6 of the best authorities on self-publishing got together... ...And put together a slurry of shit that helped nobody
A book so appalling, that to act upon even one of the strategies inside, would be to write your self-publishing career's death warrant.
Yes, with this premium guide, you too can join the legions of stupid bastards who fail to sell a single copy of their sorry excuse for a book each and every month
Here's a small taster of the unfathomable garbage you'll be subjected to on the inside: Rick Smith: How to publish on CreateSpace, and then have sex with your...
Imagine 6 of the best authorities on self-publishing got together... ...And put together a slurry of shit that helped nobody
This book isn't very helpful or entertaining. I didn't care for it really, but Buck Flogging is certainly a very polite and impressive young man that reminds me a lot of my pastor.
-No Person Ever
Man, it's about time someone with some sense that isn't a complete imbecile and a total tool like me (who recommends putting money into envelopes and hiding them like an absolute friggin' lunatic) came along to set the world straight on saving money and making smart financial decisions.
-Dave Ramsay; author of Total Money Moron
The Frugal Warrior
Are you one of...
This book isn't very helpful or entertaining. I didn't care for it really, but Buck Flogging is certainly a very polite and impressive young man th...
Do you want to escape the drudgery of your 9 to 5 job? Discover proven steps to successful online entrepreneurship.
Do you have an idea for an online company but don't know where to start? Struggling to make your current business turn a profit? Internet marketers and bestselling authors Chris Naish and Buck Flogging have helped countless aspiring entrepreneurs pursue their dreams. And now they're here to help you realize your business potential.
It's often said that success leaves clues. In Internet Business Insights, Chris Naish and Buck Flogging present interviews from 101...
Do you want to escape the drudgery of your 9 to 5 job? Discover proven steps to successful online entrepreneurship.