God gave me this title "Dinning With Deception in the Shrine" after I heard someone said "I consulted with the witch-doctor because I saw a Bible in his shrine. I told myself it is ok because he reads the Bible then I can consult with him." Some witch-doctors though illiterate keep Bibles in their shrines to deceive people. It is sad to here of some men and women preachers who go to shrines to get power to do miracles, heal the sick, the lame to work, give wealth and fame. Covenants that some people are making with Satan ignorantly. The false teachers and prophets are out through-out the...
God gave me this title "Dinning With Deception in the Shrine" after I heard someone said "I consulted with the witch-doctor because I saw a Bible in h...
This is a collection of poems that I wrote about trials and tribulations that we experience on the earth but not loosing focus on "pressing towards the mark of the higher calling of Jesus Christ." Here there are poems like "the Deceiver dethroned" referring to Satan who was defeated on the Cross of Calvary by Lord Jesus Christ. I wrote "love too deep to fathom" The love of God our heavenly Father is too deep to be understood by a human mind. Also I wrote "when the blind go to war" this is to indicate that the spiritual war that we all have to engage int. As Christians we know that we suffer...
This is a collection of poems that I wrote about trials and tribulations that we experience on the earth but not loosing focus on "pressing towards th...
Riding on the Back of a Poor Man are poems written by Doreen expressing what she experienced and also saw done to poor people. For some of us we need hardship to break us and mould us. Some of us when we prosper we tend to relax and not depend on God. These poems are also about grand-mothers who take care of their grand-children. There are poems such as "Riding on back of the poor man and a ride on the poor woman's shoulders'. These are about how some rich people take advantage of poor people. The poems are also about how some women both young and old do not value their lives. I met a young...
Riding on the Back of a Poor Man are poems written by Doreen expressing what she experienced and also saw done to poor people. For some of us we need ...
Deadly Diabolical Games is a book about sinful games that some of us enter into. This does not make me a super saint but I have committed some of them before I became a Christian. The only way I stand now is to daily depend on the Holy Spirit to help me to overcome. My daily prayer involved asking our Creator "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one." We face temptations to sin on a daily basis and have to tirelessly "submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you." The deadly games I touched on though not all of them involves sexual sin, alcohol,...
Deadly Diabolical Games is a book about sinful games that some of us enter into. This does not make me a super saint but I have committed some of them...
Dethroning Poverty from the Golden Throne is a book written by Doreen based on her personal experience and that of people she met from South Africa and African countries such Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo Brazzaville, Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda and Cameroon. Poverty is a complex matter to discuss. Doreen suffered poverty as a child and as an adult. She lived in a village where people suffered poverty and in the city where she experienced poverty as well. The aim of this book is to share insight of what poverty does both spiritually and physically. It...
Dethroning Poverty from the Golden Throne is a book written by Doreen based on her personal experience and that of people she met from South Africa an...
These poems I wrote while staying in a back-room. I observed the lives amongst tenants from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Democratic Republic of Congo. Living in shacks and backrooms built with bricks and those built with concrete like the one I was living in. These accommodations are temporary for the tenants who are renting. Some tenants are job seekers while others are students all in all they are trying to make a living. God of heaven laid it upon my heart to write these poems. Firstly I did not realize the hardship of staying in a room that is all in one. What I mean is a room...
These poems I wrote while staying in a back-room. I observed the lives amongst tenants from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Democratic Republic...
I wrote these poems when someone said to me "Doreen, just be content it is not yet time for you to prosper." Another person said to me "my Pastor said an elephant is pregnant for 18 months. So don't' rush to want to prosper." I told the person, I'm not an elephant but a human being. I did not have any source of income, begging for accommodation, food and clothing. I no longer had the luxury of buying myself clothes but wore second hand clothes some were too small or too big. I was told "remember beggars are not choosers." These poems are not only of my personal life but of other people I met...
I wrote these poems when someone said to me "Doreen, just be content it is not yet time for you to prosper." Another person said to me "my Pastor said...
I wrote these poems after observing how some single mothers go all out for their married boy-friends. Some of these women are over 60 years of age but behave like young women. Their dress code is the same as that of young women. These are women who pay their lovers. I hear some people say "I will die for him or her. You only live once therefore enjoy your life." There is no need for you to die for someone because LORD Jesus Christ already paid the price. There are single mothers who love their boy-friends more than their own children. Some of the boy-friends are married men. Such women behave...
I wrote these poems after observing how some single mothers go all out for their married boy-friends. Some of these women are over 60 years of age but...
The book you are about to read is about abuse that some people in South Africa, Congo, Zimbabwe and Nigeria have suffered. I wrote a book entitled "Monster in Mama is Not Bigger than God" to discuss my own personal experience with abuse in the hands of my mother, siblings, relatives, some church members and some people in communities that I have lived in. Abuse is a worldwide problem which is very complex and painful to write about. But writers and authors have to write about it to share knowledge with the aim to fight this diabolical plague on humanity. Governments make laws provide...
The book you are about to read is about abuse that some people in South Africa, Congo, Zimbabwe and Nigeria have suffered. I wrote a book entitled "Mo...