2141: Earth is on the verge of Armageddon. Mysterious weather phenomena have killed millions, while the Asterym-an alien slave race-threaten to annihilate humanity. Lieutenant Shane Hawk, a young Army Special Forces officer, leads a daring mission to save mankind from extinction. Together with his courageous wife Angel and a band of battle-hardened warriors, Shane challenges the extraterrestrial invaders on the ground and in the sky. But time is running out The aliens' plot to destroy Earth is merely a stepping stone for an even grander scheme of universal domination. Determined to save the...
2141: Earth is on the verge of Armageddon. Mysterious weather phenomena have killed millions, while the Asterym-an alien slave race-threaten to annihi...
The battle for Earth continues in this exciting sequel to The Firehawk Chronicles: Asterym War. The Earth has been decimated by the arrival of the hostile alien force known as the Asterym. It's cities have been reduced to ashes. Billions of people are now lost or dead. Alien creatures from another world now run amok, unchallended, unchecked. Thyrion, leader of the Asterym Army, vows to conquer the remaining inhabitants of the Earth. Shane Hawk and his team lead a desperate fight to save what remains of humanity. Their fight leads them on an epic journey full of horror, betrayal, and...
The battle for Earth continues in this exciting sequel to The Firehawk Chronicles: Asterym War. The Earth has been decimated by the arrival of the hos...